We strengthen our communities, any way we can. image

We strengthen our communities, any way we can.

Join our efforts as a Community Action Agency!

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NCO is a member of the national Community Action Partnership with a primary service area that includes Lake and Mendocino Counties. Established in 1968 as part of President Johnson's War on Poverty, NCO is focused on its mission of assisting low-income and disadvantaged people to become self-reliant. With 250 staff and an annual budget of $34.7 million, NCO has grown its portfolio of programs which include food, childcare, housing, emergency services as well as workforce and economic development.

Our Purpose

We empower people to transform their lives through our vital services, acting as a community leader to build economic justice and well-being for all.

Our Motto

Strengthening communities through local action.

Our Vision

Healthy and safe communities with equitable opportunities for all.

Our Values

Focus our energy for greatest impact

Learn from challenge and change

Demonstrate respect and integrity

Foster excellence and resiliency

Honer justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI)

At NCO, we have a variety of programs that ALL contribute to our work of contributing to the resilience of our communities. Please visit our website and click on the PROGRAMS or DISASTER RESPONSE tabs to learn more about how we do this.